TOMG's Blog


So I’m sat in the cafe in my uni, typing this out on my laptop, after hearing some horrible news.

My friend just lost 8-12 hours of work, due to a failed flash drive.

This is the kind of thing that is sole destorying to a coder. He had worked on his ASP.Net site, as I have mentioned we’re all working on in previous posts, straight from his flash drive, and this morning it died.

Now this is a guy who knows his stuff. He’s a good coder, he likes his open-source software, and generally speaking, hes got his head on right. And because of this failed flash drive, hes now feverishly coding away in the library, 30 mins before the deadline, aiming for 40%. Last night, he worked on it until 2AM, and would have scored an easy 90%.

But thats the world kids.Some things break. Some things crash. Others stop working for no reason, and the important bit to remember is that you will get no warning.

So make back-ups.

I myself back my work up once a week on to my flash drive, and an external hard drive, as I know, in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to scrape back the 40%.

Would you?